Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dates #8, 9 and 10

Two weeks ago, I had my second date with Teach. We went to a little local bar and had a few (okay, several) drinks and some dinner. Honestly, I got a little tipsy, which is pretty unlike me on a second date. Teach continues to surprise me, which is why I am seeing him for date #3 tomorrow....

Two Sundays in a row, I have had dates with Barback Boy. I think he is stepping up his game, now that he knows he's not the only person on my dance card. Two weekends ago, we went to this brew pub and had some delicious dinner, during which, he told me that HIS PARENTS had wanted me to come over so that we could all have dinner together. Glad he vetoed that (although I have met his parents, it was just before I was dating him!!) and stuck with our dinner plans.

This past Sunday, as I was coming home from Dayton, I stopped by his place and we watched the Olympics together. And snuggled. And whoever called at one point knows who I am, because he said, "I'm watching the Olympics with Cingle Girl." So apparently all of his friends and/or family know about me, even though we are barely dating. Of course, all my friends and family know about him, so I guess I shouldn't be that surprised....

I think I only have one month left on my Match.com subscription so I am making the most of it. I went a little "wink" happy on some cuties who seem to be new to the service, so we'll see what develops there. Even though I like these guys that I am going on second and third and fourth and fifth dates with, I'm a girl who just wants to have fun right now. Why tie myself down just yet?! :)

1 comment:

  1. I think I'll be joining you sooner rather than later in the land of Match. Sigh. Thanks for giving me hope though! :)

