Monday, October 27, 2008

Three small words

Barback Boy -- henceforth referred to as "The Boyfriend -- told me that he loves me over the weekend.

I have to admit, I kinda already knew... or at least, I suspected. We've been on the same page consistently throughout our relationship, and I've been feeling that lovin' feelin' for a little while now.

But more so than the words, The Boyfriend finds little ways to show or tell me every day. It's a text message first thing in the morning or a kiss on the forehead when I leave. It's buying me a bright pink toothbrush for use when he "kidnaps" me for weekends at his house. It's stocking Coke in the fridge and opening doors and making me breakfast in bed and doing the dishes without complaining and showing up unexpectedly with a bottle of wine and the fancy-schmancy corkscrew I've been eyeing.

Now that I know how he really feels, though, those every day moments are becoming all that more precious. Those moments that we have together take on a whole new meaning, especially between two people who don't want to bust out "I love you," all the time for fear of the phrase losing its intensity.